
Consumers in NetOrca are defined as any team that is requesting or has a valid existing or requested instance of a defined Service.

We call this instance of a Service a Service Item

Declare what you consume

Service Item configurations on NetOrca are treated as declarations. They are design to be used in a git repository with a CI/CD process that will both validate and push changes to NetOrca.

Service Items can be defined by YAML or JSON. Templates are provided to all Consumers as part of the Service Catalogue. 

Service Item configuration is validated via a validate endpoint on NetOrca. When set up in a CI/CD pipeline this prevents invalid configuration getting to master. 

Global variables are set at the team or application level. Consumers never need to duplicate values in their configuration.

Configuration can be set up in different applications which can be stored as seperate files or a collection of files in a folder. 

This prevents configurations from becoming large and unmanagable and reduces the scope of any configuration changes. 

NetOrca detects the changes made to your configuration and what type of changes they require. 

Change Instances are only raised for the Service Items that have detected changes. 

Pending changes on your Service Items does not prevent you from making further changes. NetOrca handles the change management for you. 


    application_ci: "App1 CMDB ID"
    kubernetes_namespace: "awesome_app"
      - name: "CoreVM_1"
        cpu: 4
        memory: 8
      - name: "CoreLB1"
        load_balancing_method: "round_robin"
          - "CoreVM_1"
      - name: "app A record"
        fqdn: "a.test.local"
      - name: "app B record"
        fqdn: "app.test2.local"
      - source: ""
        destination: ""
        service: https
      - vm: "CoreVM_1"
        direction: outbound
        target: ""