NetOrca Features

Service Definitions

Declarative Service definitions

Service Owners can create JSON schema declarations of the Services that they provide. These can then be easily made available for consumption by everyone else in the organisation.

    "name": {
        "type": "string",
        "examples": [
    "load_balancing_method": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "load balancing type",
        "default": "round-robin",
        "examples": [
    "related_vms": {
        "type": "reference_list",
        "reference_method": "list",
        "service_reference": "VM",
            [ "VM_01" , "VM_02"]


    application_ci: "App1 ServiceNow ID"
    paas_id: "awesome_app"
      - name: "CoreVM_1"
        cpu: 4
        memory: 8
      - name: "CoreLB1"
        load_balancing_method: "round_robin"
          - "CoreVM_1"
      - name: "app A record"
        fqdn: "a.test.local"
      - name: "app B record"
        fqdn: "app.test2.local"

Well defined Service Requests

Consumption of available Services is done through the addition of configuration to your Git repository. NetOrca handles the rest. Modify and delete Services using the same method.


In-Built Change Management

Centralised management of changes to instances of the Services your team provides. Additions,Modifications and Deletions are detected automatically based on the Consumer input. Service Owners then have full flexibilty in how those changes are implemented, whether through manual or automated methods.


Service Catalogue

Service Catalogue displays all services which are available to consumers, as well as the instructions on how to formulate the configuration to request these services.


Standardised CI/CD

NetOrca provides CI/CD scripts for both Service Owners and Consumers, which are compatible with any CI/CD runner or Git provider. Create an API key for your team, plug in the pre-defined scripts and you are ready to use NetOrca.


Tracking and Auditing

Full audit trails created for every modification to a Service. Rollback and versioning built into the NetOrca database. Rest assured that every Service consumed through NetOrca can be aligned with your existing auditing and change monitoring systems.